Scream is an American horror franchise created by Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven. Starring Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette, the film series grossed over $604 million in worldwide box-office receipts and consists of four motion pictures directed by Craven. The first series entry, Scream, was released on December 20, 1996 and is currently the highest-grossing slasher film in the United States.[1] The second entry Scream 2 was released on December 12, 1997 followed by a third installment, Scream 3, released February 4, 2000. The series, particularly the first two films, has received significant critical acclaim. Scream has been credited with revitalizing the horror genre in the late 1990s by combining a traditional slasher film with humor, awareness of horror film clichés and a clever plot. Scream was one of the highest-grossing films of 1996 and became the highest-grossing slasher film in the world, an honor it still holds.Williamson’s original script was boug...